by Justin Brickman | Aug 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
SCHEDULE UPDATE: Labor Day 10:00am Hero WOD in St. Clair Shores 11:00am Hero WOD in Sterling Heights They will be the only classes on Monday. Sat and Sun will run as usual in both locations. Starting next Tuesday in SCS the 11am Class is moving to 12 Noon Monday...
by Justin Brickman | Aug 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
Just a reminder, this Saturday (August 16th), we have a FreeFit in St Clair Shores (bring a friend or come yourself, either way it’s free). And in Sterling Heights, we are hosting our annual MCCF Summer Open, so there will be no regular WOD, but come on out and...
by Justin Brickman | Aug 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
Monday Snatch 5 x 3 (roughly 70%) EMOTMx24 1: 3 DB Snatch (3 each Arm) 2: 30 double unders 3: 40 sec plank holds Tuesday 10 MIN TGUs Open WOD 14.4 14 min AMRAP 60 Cal Row 50 Toe to bar 40 Wall balls 20/14-9ft tgt 30 Cleans 135/95 (anyhow) 20 Muscle ups Wednesday...
by Justin Brickman | Jul 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
We will be having the mini grand canyons in our parking lot repaired Thursday and Friday in Sterling Heights. You will have to enter our lot from off of Van Dyke, either at Aldi or by Olga’s.
by Justin Brickman | Jul 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
Monday 15 Min of TGUs For time 20 Burpees 30 Thrusters 95/65 20 Burpees 25 Thrusters 115/75 20 Burpees 20 Thrusters 135/95 20 Burpees 15 Thrusters 165/105 20 Burpees 10 Thrusters 185/125 *25 min time cap Tuesday BS/FS/OHS/DL/BP 5 rounds For Time: 50 Double Unders 400M...
by Justin Brickman | Jul 5, 2014 | Uncategorized
Monday 4 rounds bear crawl :30 rest :30 crab walk :30 rest :90 Then: Deadlift 10 reps of 5 sets (45 sec rest between sets) 185/135 90 sec rest before starting the 9-6-3 Then: 9-6-3 Ground to overhead 185/135 Muscle Ups 5 min rest 9-6-3 Ground to overhead 155/105 Chest...