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35977 Mound Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48310


Strength: 20 minutes to establish max weight: 1 Push press 2 Push jerk 3 Split jerk WOD: 21-15-9 reps of: Hang Power Clean 135/95# Shoulder to Overhead


Pick a squat or deadlift 3×10 WOD 30 min AMRAP (32 mins if you were in birthday boy Coop’s class) Run 400m 3 C2B pull-ups 6 push-ups 9 KB swings 53/35


Strength: Behind the neck Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 WOD: Barbells for Boobs Grace: 30 Clean & Jerk – 135/95# Ben says he never makes the webpage 🙂


Strength Pick a squat or deadlift 5×5 WOD 20 minute AMRAP Run 200m 15 wall balls, 20/14 30 kettlebell swings, 53/35 Welcome Back Krafty!!