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35977 Mound Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48310


Strength 3-3-3-3-3 C&J and Box Jumps 30/24 WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees Front Squats 135/95 Post loads and times to comments:


Strength: “Bring Sally Up” with Goblet Squats 53/35# WOD: “Firebreathing for Fibrosis” 20min AMRAP 400m Run 10 TTB 15 Pushups 20 Wall Balls 20/14# For additional information please visit...


Strength BS/FS/OHS/DLx20 WOD 1 minute double unders Then 21-15-9 Thrusters, 75/55 Burpees Then 1 min max double unders Score is total time and double under reps


Warm up- TGUs WOD 21 BS/FS/OHS 50% Run 800 meters 15 BS/FS/OHS 50 % Run 800 meters 9 BS/FS/OHS 50% Run 800 meters Post times to comments: Moving day SCS


20 mins to establish 1RM Snatch Gunny’s Pick “The Ensign” 6 Rounds 3min AMRAP 3 Cleans 155/110# 6 Push-ups 9 Air Squats/Dips (AS odd rounds, Dips even rounds) Rest 1min rest


Strength: 20 minutes to establish 1RM push press WOD: JD’s pick “Helton” 3 RFT 800m run 30 DB Squat Cleans 50/35# 30 Burpees