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35977 Mound Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48310

MCCF SCS is Moving!

We have simply outgrown our little gym. Move in date has been set for 10/20 and we are moving into Pointe Fitness in Harper Woods. The space will be over double the floor space we currently have and will offer other amenities that will benefit our members immediately,...


Pick a squat or deadlift 5×3 – 30 double unders between sets WOD 3 rounds for time 15 2 fer 1’s 15 Burpee pull-ups 15 KB Swings 70/53


Benchmark Saturday!! Suggested WOD “The Don” 66 Deadlifts, 110/75# 66 Box Jumps 24/20″ 66 KB Swings 53/35# 66 Knee 2 Elbows 66 Sit-Ups 66 Pull-Ups 66 Thrusters 55/45# 66 Wall Balls 20/14# 66 Burpees 66 Double Unders 45min...


Strength: 20 minutes to establish max weight: 1 Push Press, 2 Push Jerk, 3 Split Jerk WOD: AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 1 Strict Pullup 10 Double-unders Go up by 1/10 every round


Sunday MINI COMP WOD#1 40 air squats and run 800 meters. rest 5 minutes WOD#2 Box Jump Agility course Rest 1 minute WOD#3 Max unbroken set of Double-under’s WOD#4 3 minutes to row for max distance. Post times, reps or distance to...