This week brings the first Crossfit Games Open Announcement of the 2015 season. I hope that everyone who signed up is excited and, if you haven’t signed up, that you do so in the near future. With that in mind, we are going to be seeing some changes in the programming for the next few weeks. I have noticed some things in the gym lately regarding movement and technique. I want you all to know that we at MCCF want to ensure that all our athletes in this community are receiving the best possible training we can provide. So what better time than now to spend some time focusing on perfect movement technique in our 9 Fundamental Crossfit movements. Over the next 4-5 weeks we will be spending time focusing on movement technique and correcting flaws. Even I find myself losing form when trying to push through the last round of a wod or when I am trying to hit a new 1 rep max, but I want to make sure we haven’t lost that steady foundation.
Also, if you are planning to take the Open seriously, which I hope you are, then you may want to consider taking it easy on Thursdays to be prepared for Friday Open WODs.
For the next 5 weeks, Thursday Nights at 6:30 we will be watching the live release of the Open WOD and then if you want to knock it out and set the standard for the gym to follow you can do the WOD at 7:30. We will also be holding two sessions every Friday at 6:30pm and 7:30pm for Open WODS. I encourage everyone to attend the Friday sessions in support of our MCCF Team/Community. Feel free to bring some post WOD drinks and snacks and cheer on your MCCF Family.
I’ll leave you with something that a very wise Staff Sergeant said to me in the past that has driven the way I approach life…. You are your own worst enemy. The only thing that keeps you from being successful or from performing to your potential is you.